2008-08-26 - RCT Evening Acceleration


4 miles @ 10.8 min/mi

"Awesome!" is CM Manlandro's verdict. Our mile splits tell the tale: 11:48 + 11:12 + 10:41 + 9:29. It's a pleasant evening, temperatures in the upper 70s and dew point about 50°F, with a pleasant breeze. We meet at Ray's Meadow and trot upstream along Rock Creek Trail from mile marker 1.25, expecting to do about 12 min/mi pace. CM's achilles tendon feels relatively good after a day of rest but complains when too much mileage gets thrown at it for too many days in a row. We pass a couple walking their cat in the woods. Beach Drive is being resurfaced and the lack of lines makes me nervous when we must run on the road to get under the Beltway. A lady jogs by the other way pushing a double-wide stroller and holding a large dog's leash. Our last mile is a brisk one but we're both still able to talk—a little!—as we return to our starting point.

(cf. Jog Log for the last 10 entries in the running logbook) - ^z - 2008-09-09

(correlates: 2008-07-11 - MidSummer Night's Mile, 2008-08-21 - Wye Island, MysteryToMe, ...)